Progressive Cavity Pumps

Screw Pumps

Positive displacement pumps, also known as Progressive or Progressing Cavity Pumps, that consist of a rotor which is sealed tightly against a rubber stator. As the rotor rotates within the stator, the fixed size cavities in the rotor contain the fluid to be pumped and progress towards the pump outlet.

Progressive cavity screw pumps can pump at extremely low flow rates for dosing applications as well as high volume transfer duties even at high pressure.

Progressive Cavity pumps

Screw pumps typical applications

  • Oil pumping
  • Slurry pumping
  • Sewage sludge pumping
  • Viscous chemical pumping
  • Grout pump
  • Cement pump
  • Lubricants pump
  • Oil pump
  • Marine Diesel fuel pump
  • Mining slurry pump
  • Oil refinery mud
  • Wine pump