Lobe Pumps
Superb sanitary qualities, high efficiency, reliability, corrosion resistance and good clean-in-place / sterilise-in-place (CIP/SIP) characteristics. Rotary lobe pumps are non-contacting and have large pumping chambers which allows for handling of solids such as cherries or olives without damage.
How do lobe pumps work?
Rotary lobe pumps use the principles of rotation to create a vacuum which draws fluid into the pump. The rotating lobes create expanding volumes on the inlet of the pump where the fluid flows into the cavity and is trapped and carried around by the lobes to the outlet of the pump. The pumped fluid travels between the pump casing and the lobes (rotors). The lobes or rotors re-mesh and force the fluid through the pump outlet under pressure. Pump output is constant and continuous.

Lobe Pump Suction
The rotors / lobes rotate around the circumference of the channel in the pump casing. This continuously generates a partial vacuum at the suction port as the rotors unmesh causing fluid to enter the pump.

Lobe Pump Discharge
The fluid is transported around the channel by the rotor lobes and is displaced as the lobes re-mesh, generating pressure at the discharge port. Pump output is directly proportional to speed and direction of flow is reversible.
How does a lobe pump work?
Watch this video from Wright Flow Technologies (part of Viking Pump) to understand exactly how the pump works to transfer a range of fluids.
When to use rotary lobe pumps
Rotary Lobe Pumps are high hygiene pumps and offer excellent sanitary qualities. They are also highly efficient, reliable, corrosion resistant and can easily be cleaned in place (CIP).
These pumps can handle solids, slurries, pastes and many types of liquids. If wetted, they offer some self-priming capability. They also offer continuous and intermittent reversible flows and can run dry for limited time periods.
With large cavities between the rotors, this pump type is very good at handling solids without inflicting damage to the product. Particle sizes can be much larger than most other positive displacement pumps and the pumps are used in many industries including: