Peristaltic Pumps
Peristaltic Pumps are self priming positive displacement pumps that operate on the same principal as ‘Peristalsis’ – the process your body uses to move food through your digestive tract.
Using rollers or shoes rather than muscles and replacing your digestive tract with a special hose, peristaltic pumps offer strong suction, gentle handling and low maintenance.
Peristaltic pumps are sometimes known as Roller Pumps, Hose Pumps or Tube Pumps.
How do peristaltic pumps work?
As the rollers or shoes inside the peristaltic pump rotate, they compress the hose. This compression creates a vacuum which sucks fluid into and through the hose. The only part which contacts the pumped fluid is the hose so the pumps are easy to maintain and do not require mechanical seals.
The fluid to be pumped is always contained within the flexible hose (or tube) which is located inside a circular pump housing. A rotor fitted with shoes (wipers or rollers) rotates and compresses the hose and this movement forces the fluid to flow through the pump’s hose. As the hose re-opens after being compressed, it creates suction and draws more fluid in.
Rollers are typically used on lower pressure duties where grease lubrication is sufficient. Higher pressure duties result in a steeper compression point and typically, this requires a shoe type operation where the shoes operate in a lubricant bath.

Peristaltic Pump Advantages
• Seal-less design – no mechanical seals or packed glands to leak
• Reversible operation – easy to recover product
• High suction lift capabilities – able to self-prime from dry
• Gentle handling – excellent for pumping shear-sensitive fluids and solids
• No slippage – ideal for accurate dosing and metering duties
• High purity – only one contact part
• Non-siphoning – fluid does not flow back into the system
• Only the hose contacts the fluid – low maintenance and easy to clean