Pump Selection

If you are not sure which pump type you need for your project, let us assist by offering our no-obligation pump selection advice.

You can call us on +44 (0)1236 433 799 to discuss or you can fill in this basic pump selection form and we will get in touch with you.

Pump Selection Form
Pump selection is a science but we’ve simplified it on the below form which, when completed, will provide us with sufficient information to allow us to put forward a pump or pumps that may suit your requirements.
Please advise where the pumped fluid / material is stored prior to being pumped.
Will the fluid flow down into the pump inlet by gravity? Does the fluid need to be sucked up vertically i.e. from a drum? Are you hoping to pump semi-solid or solid material that needs intervention in order to enter the pump?
Examples: water is 1, food oil is 50, mustard is 50,000, shortening is 1,000,000 (centipoise).
For delicate media, low-shear pumps with gentle handling capabilities will be offered.
The pump will be sized appropriate to the maximum particle or solid size.
Please advise what power sources are available in your plant to operate industrial equipment like pumps.
Please enter any other information that may be relevant in selecting your pump solutions.